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Community Support

Because we are locally owned, we support local. It is important to our values that we support other Kamloops organizations, and are active in our Kamloops community.

  • Kamloops 4H Groups – Supporting Kamloops youth & development
  • Elder Dog Canada – ElderDog Canada Inc. is a national, registered Charitable Organization dedicated to ageing people, ageing dogs, and the important connection they enjoy.
  • Kamloops Gun Dog Club
  • SPCA – We work closely with SPCA to support them when they need us! We help them assess more complicated medical cases, provide emergency and scheduled surgical services, and help with animal welfare investigations on short notice. We love seeing pets find their forever homes. (see Sherman’s Story Below!)
  • Chase Fire Safety Community Partner in Safety
  • Four Paws Food Bank Foundation – Kamloops first food bank for pets! A registered non profit charity, that helps families in time of crisis in order to improve animal welfare and keep families together.
  • Sammy Forgotten Felines
  • Kamloops Minor Hockey – Both Dr. Walsh And Dr. Fraser ‘s children play hockey, and we support our sports community, with donations and volunteering.
  • Kamloops Volleyball Association
  • Christmas Almagated Kamloops,
  • Chase -Lions Club Winterfest
  • Canadian Cancer Society

Sherman’s Story

Sherman came to us from the SCPA on emergency, after being found on the street and struggling to breathe. Sherman was an intact male stray cat, that was filthy and run down, and we quickly diagnosed him with a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia ( he had trauma that resulted in a diaphragmatic tear, and his intestines and stomach were displaced into his chest cavity, compressing his lungs severely ). We quickly rushed him into emergency surgery . The veterinarian and team donated their time and supplies to save his life. The surgery was lengthy and complex, and we weren’t sure if he would make it. Each day post op, he got stronger and stronger and his breathing gradually normalized. He was adopted by a lovely family, who ventured into having their first pet! Now Sherman is well loved, and we receive regular updates with his seasonal costumes, and it makes us so happy to see Sherman living his best life.